The purpose of this strategic plan is to provide Olivia’s Place with a roadmap to meet its objectives and goals for the 2020-2022 period.
Effective delivery of this strategic plan will guide decisions made by the board and management over the three year period and provide clear direction to staff and volunteers as we continue to support families during pregnancy and early parenting.
The Olivia’s Place vision, mission and values underpin this strategic plan. The board unanimously endorses the plan.

Our Vision
Supported parents, thriving children and connected families.
Our Mission
To support and encourage families during pregnancy and early parenting through community engagement and the provision of resources, education and professional services. This will be achieved through a variety of means including:
Sourcing and providing infant and maternal material support.
Mentoring programs.
Encouraging environmentally sustainable practices.
Positive collaboration with organisations that have similar values and goals.
In addition to our primary objectives, the following activities contribute towards our ability to achieve our mission:
Working with government agencies and business groups to implement practical solutions for family friendly communities.
Sourcing and re-homing equipment.
Supporting families through providing programs that result in community cohesion.

Where we're going
Client eligibility criteria:
Families during pregnancy or in their first year (12 months) of parenting.
Strategic Goals
Core business in 2022
Our core business is providing a family support program which includes support, connection, education, advice and guidance. This program is the central pillar of Olivia’s Place, and is a distinct, unique feature of our service.
Our material aid program contributes to our provision of family support by helping to reduce the financial stress on those who use our service.
One of the main benefits of these services is that they directly reduce risk factors associated with adverse perinatal mental health outcomes and family violence.
Key areas of focus
When looking at where we want to be at the end of 2022, the Olivia’s Place board considered six key areas of focus. These are:
1. Programs and services
Ensure both our programs and our broader organisation run in a way that is safe, evidence-based, and high-quality.
2. Finances and funding
Be financially stable to enable future growth.
Be clear on the costs associated with running each program and operations at Olivia’s Place.
Grow funding from community fundraising, philanthropic grants, and local businesses.
Obtain a multi-year stream of recurrent funding for operations.
3. Human resources
Establish position descriptions with clearly defined roles.
Establish a volunteer coordinator role to support the volunteer team.
Intentionally target people with skill sets that match our high-need volunteer areas.
4. Built infrastructure
Have security and stability around our physical spaces.
5. Partnerships
Have established partnerships with local businesses, government and stakeholders that are well maintained at all times (not just when funding is required).
Explore collaborative partnerships or consortium opportunities for service delivery and improving outcomes for Gippsland families.
6. Governance
Through accreditation (against the QIC Health and Community Services Standards), ensure the Board, staff and volunteers have clear policies, procedures and frameworks in place that mitigate risk and ensure accountability and high-quality services to the families of Gippsland.

Future considerations
During the strategic planning process, the Olivia’s Place Board considered several other initiatives for future consideration - most likely in subsequent strategic plans:
Undertake a formal social impact assessment.
Reintroduce a group program for expecting and new parents with the aim of setting them up for success, building their confidence through preparation for parenting during the prenatal period and remaining connected in the postnatal period.
Explore revenue raising opportunities within the parameters of current service provision.
Thanks to:
The Board of Olivia’s Place would like to thank all of the internal and external stakeholders who provided valuable feedback through the development of the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan. We look forward to sharing progress of our work towards achieving objectives as we move through this period.