Donate Goods
We love to be able to help new parents out by providing them with the basic small essentials of setting up a nursery, clothing their baby, and having the ability to get out and about so they aren’t socially isolated. We are able to take donations of brand new items, as well as preloved items that are in excellent condition.
If you are considering donating some of your preloved baby items to Olivia’s Place, we have some guidelines in place to help you decide if what you have is suitable and safe for use by a new parent and baby.
Please see our list below of what we can rehome and any special safety requirements we must adhere to. CLICK HERE to download a printout brochure of what we can rehome.
What can be rehomed?
Activity mats or play gyms
Clean and in good condition.
Clean and in good condition. **Please read full description on bassinets below in item safety requirements.
Baby clothing
00000 (premmie) to size 5 and shoes up to size 12. **Please read full description on clothing below in item safety requirements.
Baby monitors
Bottles & other feeding equipment
Bouncers or rockers
Must have a 3 or 5 point safety harness intact and in working order.
Breastfeeding/ Maternity Pillows -
Car restraints
Capsules up to 9 years old, reversible and
forward facing
harnessed car restraints up to 8 years old. **Please read full description on car restraints below in item safety requirements. -
Change tables
Must have roll-off protection such as a safety harness OR raised sides and ends at least 100mm high.
Ergonomic and stretchy wrap carriers. We do not rehome sling
carriers. -
Consumable items
Breast pads, maternity pads, period products, baby wipes, nappy disposal bags. All brand new, in unopened packaging.
Less than 10 years old. **Please read full description on cots below in item safety requirements.
Cot Mattresses
Must be completely free of stains/ damage. Please wrap in plastic or cot sheets if possible.
Unopened tins only and with more than 3 months before expiring.
Must have a harness and be clean. Must meet standard AS/4684-2009. If you can’t find this standard on the highchair please email us a photo.
Linen for cots and Bassinets
Flat & fitted sheets, blankets &
mattress protectors, bunny rugs, swaddles and infant sleeping bags, towels, burp clothes and face washers. -
Breast pumps
Please ensure all parts are included and pump is in working order.
Maternity Clothing
In good condition, freshly laundered with no stains.
Nappies Cloth
Excellent condition, free of stains, rips and with good elastics.
Nappies Disposable
Packets can be open but must be clean and uncontaminated.
**Please read full description on prams below in item safety requirements.
Sterilisers/Bottle warmers
WE DO NOT REHOME: bean bags; pillows (other than breastfeeding and maternity pillows); car seat H-harnesses; cushions; bikes; trikes; baby/toddler bike seats, scooters, helmets; opened tins of formula; art & craft items; ; baby clothing size 6 and above; opened packets of nursing pads, sanitary pads or baby wipes.
OUT OF HOUR DROP OFFS: If you can't drop in your donation, we offer out of hours drop-off points in Warragul, Traralgon and Leongatha. Please contact us for drop-off point details.
DISCLAIMER: Donated items that are surplus stock and items received that we do not re-home may be passed on to other organisations, recycled, up-cycled or sold in our Little Livvy’s op shop to be turned into funds to support our programs.
Item Safety Requirements
We can re-home a bassinette if it has a wide stable base, or if it is on wheels, at least 2 of the 4 must lock. Please remove all ribbons and ties. The sides should be at least 300mm high measured from the top of the mattress base and it should have a firm mattress that is a snug fit and is not thicker than 75mm. We do not rehome timber cradles.
Infant & Maternity Clothing and Cot Linen
All clothing and linen should be freshly laundered and packed into bags with the size and gender clearly labelled on the outside to help us rotate stock as quickly as possible. We stock sizes from 00000 (premmie) to size 5. If clothing or linen has been in storage, it’s important that it is washed again before donating to us.
Olivia’s Place prides itself on passing on items in great condition, and we are only happy to accept and pass on items that we would be happy to dress our own children in. Quality and care makes all the difference to the mum or dad who receives your donation.
If you are not sure whether your clothing donation is suitable or not, a good measure is to consider whether or not you would happily give it to the children of a good friend or family member without needing to add ‘qualifiers’ about their condition. Our clothing provisions are gifts to families, and we want those who receive the clothing to feel that they have a good friend or relative who cares.
We rehome all sizes of maternity clothing, including maternity bras in excellent condition.
Car Restraints
We can re-home a car restraint if it is less than 8 years old for reversible and forward facing, or 9 years old for capsules.
The date of manufacture should be printed on a sticker somewhere on the side or base, or through the use of a dial system stamped into the plastic molding. There should also be a red safety standard sticker AS/NZS 1754.
We cannot re-home a car restraint from hard rubbish, as there is no way we can be sure that it has not been in an accident. We do not re-home booster seats without tether straps or foam booster seats. If you are unsure of the date of manufacture of your car seat, send us an email or call us and we'll help you figure it out.
We can re-home a cot if it is on our approved list. We ask that it comes disassembled and prefer them to have all the screws and a copy of the assembly instructions. If you don't have all the screws or the original manual, we may be able to source these items, so get in touch to find out. Please contact us with the date of manufacture stamped on the base, along with the make, model and country of manufacture to confirm your cot is on our approved list.
We re-home cots that meet the Australian / New Zealand Safety Standard AS/NZS 2172-2003 and no more than 10 years has passed since the date of manufacture.
Here is a helpful checklist for you to do a quick self-assessment of the suitability of your cot - if, after reading this, you think your cot may be suitable to pass onto a family please contact us with the details above to confirm.
Please contact us regarding your cot donation before arriving with it.
Pram or Stroller
We can re-home a pram or stroller with a 5-point harness, faultless brakes, a fully reclining back to accommodate a newborn and a sun-hood. Prams should meet the Australian / New Zealand Safety Standard AS/NZS 2088:2000. If you bought your pram overseas (asides from New Zealand) it might not meet Australian standards. If you are not sure of the make and model, please email us a photo.
If your pram requires a little TLC to bring it up to scratch, or is a well-known brand with some usable parts (tyres, etc.), please get in touch to double-check, as we still may have some use for your pram parts or we may be able to source new parts from the manufacturer to make your donation meet safety standards.
Please vacuum and clean before donating and please include original manuals if you have them.