Olivia's Place are so excited to announce that we are another step closer to our dream of a new home at 2-4 Calway St, Drouin!

But, we need your help!

We have gained support from Baw Baw Shire Council, from the landlord, from Buildingdesigned, from SD Planning and from the residents who will be our neighbours and now we're calling on our community for the last step towards our bigger future.

Our new home is FIVE TIMES THE SIZE of our current spaces and be will be a huge improvement in our operations. This will allow us to support even MORE Gippsland families.

Your support will give us security for the next 3 years so we can focus on what we do best, supporting families.

The bigger space means bigger costs and to make the dream a reality we need to raise a HUGE amount of money so we can meet the responsibility of a 3 year lease!

You can help by giving to our Home Branch Appeal at www.oliviasplace.org.au/donate

You can also do something a bit fun and host your own fundraiser for our appeal!

Can't give right now? Don't worry! Please SHARE SHARE SHARE and help us spread the word!

2022 Event Sponsorship Opportunities

Get on board and get in touch to see the fantastic Sponsorship Opportunities we have available for 2022 Gala Dinner & Charity Auction Night!

Email Renee for more information

Contact Renee

Want to hold your own fundraiser for us?

Visit our Community Fundraising page to learn more!